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9 Reasons Why You Should Buy Our Products ?

1 Each Handmade Product is Unique

Unlike items that are mass-produced, you will often find unique differences in each handmade item, which really makes the product and the purchase very special. Nobody in the whole world will have exactly the same item at home, and that’s pretty unique!

2 Handmade Is Supporting The Local Economy

When you buy a product of ALHAMBRA, you directly support Morocco based artist. O.K they might not be directly local to you, but the money stays in their village. And that’s a pretty big deal. The money doesn’t pay for large international bonuses, where the actual maker receives a fraction of the product price, but it goes directly to the person who made your wonderful gift.

But it’s not just about money. Each purchase, gives the artist, the maker, the crafts person a confidence in their product, chance to develop their skills further, opportunity to re-invest the money back to their business and carry on producing beautiful work of art.

3 Handcrafted Products Help Communities

Studies have shown that locally owned independent businesses —many of which sell wares produced by hand— return a higher percentage of their revenue to their communities than chains. That means the people who make money off sales at independent businesses, owners and employees, are more likely to spend their salary at places in the same area where they work.

4 Handcrafted Products Make You Feel Good About Your Purchases

And if you’re like most Americans, that’s something you prioritize. A 2012 survey found that 87 percent of American consumers felt that businesses should place at least as much weight on society's interests as they do on business interests. Supporting local artisans and their eco-conscious business practices certainly fits the bill.

5 Handcrafted Products Are Also Just Better

It’s not just an amorphous air of authenticity that causes people to shell out more for handcrafted products. Handcrafted goods are often just better. A study of coffee found that 47 percent of respondents said it tastes better when prepared by hand compared to just 11 percent who are happy to settle for machine-produced drinks.

6 Handcrafted Products Are Worth More

A number of experiments have shown that people value an object more highly when they are led to believe it contains an “air of authenticity,” for example, if they were told it was a work of art. This means that artisan products, be they jewelry or jam, are perceived to have more value in society.

7 Handcrafted Products Are Green

Work done by hand takes less energy than a mass production assembly line, which makes it more environmentally sustainable. This is particularly true if the commercial good is produced overseas and needs to be shipped a very long distance to reach the consumer.

8 There is a Story Behind Each Product

Each handmade product has it’s story, each handmade shop and the person who created it puts a lot of time and efford in to making something that’s unique, beautifully and made just for you. There is a reason, why the product is made in ocean blue or why the flowers selected for your carpet have a beautiful green colour.

9 Handcrafted Products Are Good for the Job Market

Another reason you should feel good about spending your money on hand-crafted products? Doing so creates jobs. One study found that shifting just 10 percent of consumer spending in a particular area to locally owned businesses would create hundreds of new jobs and some dollars in local wages which can help the artisans to improve their conditions.

And there is more and more reasons ...